⚡Quick Start
Jump Right Into the Integration
Few easy examples on how to integrate with Aktionariat
via REST and our External API
via GraphQL and the Aktionariat Subgrathph
via Ethers and our Smart Contracts
via Solidity and our Smart Contracts
External API
An easy and quick way to get all tokens on the Aktionariat platfom is the /token enpoint, which gives you back a lot of details
For all endpoints visit the External API section:
To quickly check out the Subgraph you can go to the The Graph's Explorer Page An first insight full query would be to get all total trading data of the platform:
For the full details about visit the Subgraph section:
A short node.js script to get the price to buy one share:
More examples with Ethers:
A short contract to show how to buy some shares with XCHF:
Dive deeper:
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